Friday, August 28, 2009

RIP Dominick Dunne

Almost lost in the Ted Kennedy news coverage was the death of Dominick Dunne. Dominick was a writer who reported on high profile criminal trials, most notably O.J. Simpson's. I always enjoyed his articles in Vanity Fair and would make a point to watch any of his television appearances that I came across. He had a no nonsense style and made no bones about his bias toward the victims of the cases he wrote about, no doubt stemming from the fact that his daughter's killer got away with less than 3 years of jail time. Mostly though, I admired his tenacity. He went against his doctor's orders last year when he was very ill and insisted on covering O.J.'s kidnapping trial. And he re-invented himself as a writer after a failed career as a Hollywood movie producer. He really told it as he saw it and that's what ultimately made him so influential and popular.

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